public final class MemberQuery<T: Reflectable, MemberType: Reflectable & AnyObject>: PredicateBuilder<T>, Matchable, NilComparable
A class that facilitates the creation of subqueries against T
’s custom member properties. Since the creation of this class is initiated in the PredicateBuilder<T>
class, and this class inherits from it, then member creation is recursive.
A class that facilitates the creation of subqueries against
’s custom member properties. Since the creation of this class is initiated in thePredicateBuilder<T>
class, and this class inherits from it, then member creation is recursive.Declaration
public let builder: PredicateBuilder<T>
A class that facilitates the creation of subqueries against
’s custom member properties. Since the creation of this class is initiated in thePredicateBuilder<T>
class, and this class inherits from it, then member creation is recursive.Declaration
public let property: String
Creates an includer that determines if the property being queried is equivalent to an object of the same type as the property queried.
@discardableResult public func equals(_ object: MemberType) -> FinalizedIncluder<T>